Project Support Fund

Fund for Kyoto University Institute
for the Future of Human Society

For the future of human society of Japan and the world!

The purpose of Kyoto University Institute for the Future of Human Society (IFOHS) is to promote the advancement of humanities/social sciences and interdisciplinary research with a view to contributing to natural sciences and other diverse areas of the University’s research using knowledge and insight from humanities and social sciences, in an effort to fulfill the University’s Mission Statement, “take on the challenge of resolving multi-factor problems and contribute to the harmonious well-being of the world.”
Specifically speaking, by assuming the role of a hub to organically connect various departments and researchers of humanities/social sciences and interdisciplinary units of the University, IFOHS hopes to promote interdisciplinary research and help pioneer new research areas, publish an international academic journal to share the findings of interdisciplinary research across humanities and social studies, and promote collaboration among industry, government and academia.

To achieve the above purpose, IFOHS aims to build a sustainable model of positive growth by communicating excellent research findings produced by the humanities/social science units of Kyoto University to communities in Japan and overseas through various media including international journals and books and thereby winning proper recognition and support from wide ranging sectors of society to further promote knowledge creation. In light of the needs and research trends within and outside of the University, IFOHS will also work to contribute to other research areas and emerging areas through such means as establishing and time-limited research units to develop new talent.
This Fund was established as a window to solicit support for such activities of IFOHS. It will be used for academic and social communication.

Fund applications



Research promotion

Promote collaborative research
Enhance the activities of the donated department

Communication activities

Strengthen the communication function of humanities/social sciences departments
Vitalize academic activities in humanities/social sciences and strengthen domestic and international communication capabilities (implement online open lecture “Let us Rethink Radically”; publish “Kyoto-Harvard English Book Series” etc.)

If you have any requests regarding the usage of the Fund, please contact us through the IFOHS website or directly to the following contract address:
IFOHS Website  
Contact address of the IFOHS office
