Project Support Fund

Institute for Research in Humanities Fund

A Compass for Navigating the Unclear Future: Utilizing Knowledge of Thousands of Years of Humanities

The Institute for Research in Humanities will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2029. Since its establishment, the institute has created and shared new humanities which is characterized by a fusion between literature, arts and science with the objective of promoting comprehensive studies of diverse cultures and societies in the world. The basis for this is reading ancient literature and field work. The institute is also a place to develop intellect organizing a lot of joint research and promoting interdisciplinary and international research.

The Institute for Research in Humanities strives to come up with effective solutions for current social issues from a humanities standpoint. The role of humanities is to provide answers to questions such as “Why do things not always turn out as we would like even with scientific and technological advances?” and “What is the root problem?” The Institute for Research in Humanities Fund was started to promote these types of research activities and broadly share the results.

The Institute for Research in Humanities Fund is used to broadly release and share the results of humanities research and to provide assistance in society. The Zinbunken Academy is held 20-30 times a year in various different forms such as symposiums and public lectures in the Institute for Research in Humanities. This fund will be used to cover expenses for holding the academy, publishing joint research and other research results and implementing public relations through videos and other new media.

Fund applications



Social contributions

Holding public seminars and lectures through the Institute for Research in Humanities Academy

Promoting release of research results

Publishing research results and sharing through means such as media including videos

For more information, please visit
the Institute for Research in Humanities website
