Project Support Fund

Promotion of Interdisciplinary Research and Education Fund

Supporting the center that mobilizes interdisciplinary collaboration among academic researchers

 The Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research (C-PiER) is charged with the mission of orchestrating transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research within Kyoto University thorough flexible, dynamic advancement of initiatives across academic disciplines both among different departments and across the entire university. C-PiER supports research and educational groupings of researchers from different disciplines, known as “Units.” As of April 2016, 34 Units were affiliated with C-PiER, up from 9 when the Center was first established in 2011.

There are numerous programs and systems to support outstanding research and education under the principles of “selection and concentration,” but these tend to be shaped by pre-existing perceptions. In C-PiER, however, the emphasis is on people just as much as research content. The Center seeks to create opportunities for researchers to work intensively in healthy competition, to support the research and educational groupings that grow out of such opportunities across disciplines, and to bolster the foundations of academic activity at Kyoto University on an ongoing basis.
 With a view to fostering meaningful connections with donors, this fund provides information on activities open to participants from beyond the university, and solicits feedback on activities and ideas on mobilizing the university’s academic platform.

Scenes from workshops
Publications profiling the Center’s activities
The Center’s activities are featured widely in newspapers

Fund applications



Financial strengthening of “last resort” functions for Units

Financial aid for Units suffering funding shortfalls
Ad hoc expenses required for urgent hosting of research workshops, visiting researchers, and the like
Expenses in cases essential for the advancement of research where regular expenditure is precluded owing to accounting restrictions

Creating university-wide opportunities for academic collaboration

Expenses for initiatives that bring researchers together in healthy competition, such as interdisciplinary research contests
Expenses for core workshops and other initiatives designed for KU faculty members to consider questions such as: “what is genuinely ‘good’ research?” and “what does education mean at university level?”